Local shop: Cycles & Cream

Local shop: Cycles & Cream

Can you give us a quick history of Cycles & Cream?

Cycles & Cream is a new bike shop opening in May 2024 located in Clinton, MO, halfway between Kansas City and Springfield, MO. After moving there and being an avid cyclist, I was frustrated that it was at least an hour drive to a store. Especially since Clinton, MO is the starting (or ending) point of the Katy Trail, America’s largest Rail-to-Trail, with 2 alternative Adventure Cycling routes that also pass through town. So I decided to change that! The community has been incredibly supportive in the first few months of opening and Cycles & Cream is becoming a local staple. While the history isn’t long at Cycles & Cream, the passion runs deep along with the commitment to the community.

What makes Cycles & Cream really stand out? What is unique about Cycles & Cream?

Not only does Cycles & Cream offer the community new bikes, accessory sales, and a full-service store, but it’s also paired with an old-fashioned soda fountain. Creating a place for the community to interact with each other and promote the growth of cycling. Cycles & Cream strives to meet the needs of community residents as well as the needs of the bike touring community, all of whom can enjoy ice cream, soda, and your cycling needs, whether you’re a local or a weary traveler! With superior quality Tillamook ice cream, in addition to being a specialty dealer with passionate and knowledgeable staff serving the community, Cycles & Cream sells itself!

What makes the local riding scene special?

Access to the Katy Trail, which is America’s largest rail-trail. You can climb the trail and continue riding, so I made it to the other side 5 days later, the first time I rode it. A lot of people on bike tours go through it, which makes it a unique area for cycling. Also, Gravel, Gravel, Gravel! One could spend an entire day in the area and never leave a paved road. With countless route possibilities, it opens up what would normally be an area of ​​stunning scenery into endless possibilities.

If you could change one thing about cycling right now, what would it be?

Cycling has become much more inclusive over the years, however I wish it was better understood that cycling means something different to everyone. There is no right or wrong, but rather an expression of the self that comes to life in a physical form. There is no right way to ride or wrong way to ride; one discipline will never trump another. For some, the bicycle is a spiritual experience, for the next a workout, for someone else, a mandatory equipment for transportation, and for others, a journey of competitiveness. As with other attributes of life, we need to be more accepting of each other’s different lifestyles, cultures, experiences and dreams.

What you wish you could tell all your customers (could be something as simple as “wash your bike before you bring it in” or as deep and honest as you like)

I am grateful to customers who trust Cycles & Cream to provide the service and products they need. It is an honor to continue to bring joy to people’s lives through cycling. Without their trust and joy, there would be no bike shops and the world would be a worse place. Cycles & Cream is the place of community; the community will drive the future and the direction. I’m just here to watch over him and make sure he stays aligned with the community.

What is your mechanics favorite drink?

As a retired combat vet who realized he can’t or shouldn’t drink anymore, he sticks close to Budweiser Zero.

Have questions we haven’t asked that you’d like to talk about?

None off the top of my head.

Any advice for those wanting to work in a bike shop?

Go! You, whatever it looks like. Whether it’s a job that gets you through a season of life or a lifelong passion that drives you forward, it’s a lot of fun.

Where do you want to see your store going in the future? Extensions? More community involvement? What are you looking forward to?

We will continue to evolve to fit the market we are in. We will continue to strive to be a hub and resource for the community and provide the best customer service. We hope the brand will be seen in years to come as a nice complement to rails at trails across the country.