Bonny Hills Charity and Moorland Cafe have been named finalists in the business award

Bonny Hills Charity and Moorland Cafe have been named finalists in the business award

Bonny Hills Charity and Moorland Cafe have been named finalists in the business award
A BONNY Hills charity and a Moorland cafe are among the finalists in the Mid North Coast Business Awards 2024.

Nurtured Village Hampers is up for Outstanding Community Organisation, which is the category it won at the Greater Port Macquarie Business Awards in May.

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Founded locally by Casey Whitehouse, it is a branch of a national charity dedicated to improving maternal mental health.

Every month, volunteers provide barriers with donated goods and services to deserving young families.

Recipients are nominated by community members and must live in Lake Cathie, Bonny Hills, North Haven, Laurieton, Dunbogan, Wauchope or Port Macquarie.

Also on the shortlist is Moorland Cottage and Cafe, which is known for its scones and free roaming.

He automatically qualified after winning at the Mid Coast Business Awards.

Now it’s for Employer of Choice (under 20 employees) and Outstanding Visitor Experience.

If it wins Employer of Choice, it will also be eligible for Business of the Year.

The Mid North Coast Business Awards celebrate innovation, resilience and dedication in business.

This year’s finalists represent employers and employees from Woolgoolga to Nabiac.

Winners will be announced in Port Macquarie on Friday 20 September and can go on to compete at the Business NSW awards at the Sydney International Convention Center on 30 October.

The full list of finalists for this region can be found at