The Franklin County YMCA will host its first strongman competition

The Franklin County YMCA will host its first strongman competition

GREENFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – In the town of Greenfield, for the first time in Franklin County, the YMCA is hosting a strongman competition called “Pioneer’s Strongest” on Saturday morning.

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Currently, 80 male and female competitors are registered to compete in this competition on Saturday. There will be several different events such as vehicle pulls, tire flips, wagon deadlifts, leg presses and even a competition designed for kids. The Kid’s Strongman will be for 7-11 year olds and will consist of a tire flip, a rock over the bar (yoga ball) and a giant rock speed course (giant beach ball). Entry for the children’s contest is $25.

The top three athletes in each division or class will qualify for nationals. This is a chance, according to the Franklin County YMCA, for competitors to qualify for the 2025 USS Nationals and a chance to set the Massachusetts state record.

Registration is $80, and spectator tickets are $10, but children under 12 can watch for free. This event will be held outdoors, rain or shine, so spectators can bring their own chairs or overhead tent. If you are bringing a tent, remember this event is in the parking lot, so have something to weigh the tent down.

The competition is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. at the YMCA on Main Street in Greenfield. Weigh-in will take place between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM

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