Weekly Horoscope from June 2 to June 8: Your Luck for the Week;  see what signs lady luck has smiling for them

Weekly Horoscope from June 2 to June 8: Your Luck for the Week; see what signs lady luck has smiling for them

Here’s what the ancient tarot cards have to say about your sun sign for this week:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

On its own. Be proud of your uniqueness. Don’t worry about people who don’t understand you and don’t insist on joining the crowd. Time to go inside and contemplate. Clean up any outstanding situations. Work on any long-term plan. You may not feel like socializing much. The family may wonder why you’ve been so quiet. Reassure them it’s only for a while until you regroup and realign. Quiet time is important and you can find many answers within yourself. Long-term financial gains are indicated. Health problems require a change in thinking.

Taurus April 20 – May 20)

A new you emerges. You are in the process of discovering your true power and purpose. Recent challenges have made you wiser and also a little wary of who to blindly trust. At work, you may have to deal with a fickle person or a hard-to-please customer. People will exhaust you with their demands or their toxic behavior. It’s time to leave and focus only on your well-being. Release expectations from romantic partners and let them surprise you. It’s time to accept them as they are or move on. Unexpected expenses may cause temporary worries, but things should improve soon. Beware of back pain.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

You’re on the right track. People start noticing you for what you do and the way you do things. It’s time to act on the things you feel strongly about. You have the power to inspire others with your intelligent communication. An important milestone may have been reached. Or you reach a deeper level of understanding about yourself and how you relate to others. If there have been disagreements with a loved one lately, put your ego aside and work to get on the same page with them. Money problems may require the guidance of a financial expert.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Don’t hold on so tight. Give the situation or person some space. Step back and look at things objectively. Emotion will not help you when you need to be practical. The workplace may have to go through cost-cutting measures. Or you can choose to spend less or go for a more economical route. A demanding soul in your life needs you to turn them down instead of constantly giving in. Look forward to a happy reunion on the call or in person with someone you love. Beware of digestive ailments. Moderation is the key to health.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You have the support of your seniors and guardians. There is a growing sense of inner security and stability not only in your professional life, but also in yourself as a person. You don’t do things that used to annoy you anymore. Or you find yourself behaving more calmly and rationally, especially in times of crisis. A family gathering brings joy and nostalgic memories. Singles can be demanding, especially when it comes to choosing a life partner. Your past investments start to add up and you start to feel better about your future. Health problems remain stable.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

If you are able to give and share, do so with the perspective that you may not get it back. If you are the recipient of someone else’s generosity, you may feel short-changed or not owed. Job seekers may consider looking for higher paying options. Relationships may need to rebalance the give and take for the sake of peace. Do you give or take more in the relationship? If you are concerned about a health ailment, do not delay in seeking medical advice. Prolonging things can lead to complications or a longer healing time. A short vacation may be just what your soul needs.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Your inner voice can guide you to take a risk. A new beginning is at hand. You may be tired of the old ways and want to innovate or experiment. Job seekers can start their enterprise. Or consider retirement. This energy promotes independent thinking and action and concentration. Focus your attention on a new area or priority. Leave what others think. Do what you feel is right. Even at home you can assert your independence or refuse to be controlled by a family member. Singles can look forward to a short, fun-filled romance or a vacation story. Financially, if you take a chance and work hard, you will earn more than you thought you would.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

A part of you is preparing to change your life. Maybe it’s a new job in a new industry. Or a massive lifestyle change. Or just a change of mindset. It’s time to let go of all past grievances and move forward with optimism and determination. Actively networking now will pay off in the long run. A former colleague can give you valuable advice or a clue. Keep your eyes and ears open for any opportunities. At home, you’ll want to keep things quiet and peaceful. You and your better half are preparing for a new chapter in your life, and if you have planned well, everything will work out perfectly. Money matters show gains from real estate or inheritance. Health problems need more care.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

You’re itching to make a difference. Part of you doesn’t want to do the same old things over and over again. Your mind is alert and alive to new possibilities and new learning. You can sign up for a course. Or you even decide to take a break from work and pursue further studies. Don’t hold back. In matters of the heart, a younger person catches your fancy. Or you find yourself reliving memories from your youth and even planning a date with old college or school friends. A wonderful period of regeneration, dear Sagittarius, maximizes energy to the fullest.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

People will sense how badly you want something and may try to sabotage you, out of nothing but envy. Keep your dreams to yourself and keep working in the direction you want to go. Avoid imposing yourself too much. And remember, we are not always “right” Someone may resist your attempts to control and dominate, so relax a little. Loved ones bring the unconditional love and support you need to keep going. Singles may find themselves in love with someone unusual. Money matters show slow and steady gains.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Count your blessings. Peace and health are the truest treasures we could hope for. It’s time to be grateful for everything life has given you and do something for the causes you believe in. Travel plans may be finalized, but a part of you may feel the need to spend time at home. You could find yourself juggling expenses and trying to find a balance between yourself and your work, or your work and your family. Another source of income starts to open up and you might consider flexible options, freelancing or starting a consultancy. A crisis at home is averted just in time. Health issues look good.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Multitasking seems to be the norm these days. Maybe you have several things to do at the same time. Or three ongoing projects are suddenly reactivated. Relax, with a little teamwork, everything should be fine. A part of you may begin to dream of traveling or escaping your current situation. How about a vacation? An older man gives you the encouragement you need. Health issues require little attention. Listen to your body when it needs a break and rest.

Published on:

June 2, 2024